Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Soda Bottle - The Lab

Observation: As we pour the baking soda into the aluminum foil and put it inside the bottle, the bottle is filled with vinegar already. When we shake or rotate the bottle, baking soda will react with vinegar to create carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is created; thus, increases the pressure inside the bottle. When the bottle cannot hold enough pressure, the stopper will fly out and applies an opposite force to the bottle, causing the bottle accelerates backward.


Error analysis: Human error could be one thing to be considered. There might be errors in data as we measure the baking soda, and the vinegar. The mass of the bottle is also important because it determines the force that applying on the stopper and the bottle itself. More vinegar and baking should be used in the bigger bottle.

1 comment:

  1. Could the methods of collecting the data (lack of repetitions, lack of consistency) affect your data? Are there other potential sources of error? This lab didn't go as well as you seem to give it credit for, and recognizing the problems with a lab is an important skill.
